Privacy and Cookie Policy


USWE Sports AB (hereinafter referred to as "VOID") respects the privacy of all visitors to its website and is highly committed to maintaining the privacy of all online visitors to its website.

We will use your data to make sure that your orders will be handled as fast and easy as possible or that certain parts of sites are more tailored to your interests. We want to be transparent in what way we process your personal data and his document describes how we deal with your online privacy and online security.

We only process your personal data when we have a specific purpose of doing so and when that purpose is fulfilled, we will delete the data unless it is further processed for another reason as described below.

Our processing of your personal data is governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Swedish data protection legislation.


The following is a summary of what is contained in this privacy policy:

  1. What data we collect and how we collect it
  2. How we may share your information
  3. How does VOID protect your personal information? (Online Security)
  4. Cookies and Do Not Track
  5. Online Advertising
  6. Your rights - Controlling your information with us
  7. Changes to the privacy policy
  8. Responsible for the data & Contact VOID


1. What data we collect and how we collect it

  • We may collect data when you purchase goods, register for promotional emails, set up a shopping account, contact customer service, or engage in other interactive features with our sites (e.g., consumer opinion surveys). This information may include your name, address-, bank- and payment details.
  • If you place an order on the Webstore of VOID, we collect your name, e-mail address, billing information, order information, shipment information and phone number in order to complete and deliver your order, as well as to send you transactional emails such as order confirmations.
  • To make your shopping experience as nice as possible we, with your permission, collect personal information about your orders and the use of our services. With this information we can personalize the website and recommend products you might be interested in.
  • If you make an account at VOID, we will collect your information on a secure server. You are asked to fill in your name, e-mail address, billing information, shipment information and phone number so that you don’t have to fill in this again for any following purchases.
  • The information we collect about both the use of our site(s) and the feedback help us to develop and improve the website(s).
  • If you decide to write a review, you can choose whether you do this under your own name or anonymously. We are interested in the opinion of our visitors, however we hold the right reserved to not publish or remove reviews that do not correspond to our general terms.
  • With your permission we collect your email or phone number to inform you on new features, specials and other promotional activities of VOID, via email or sms.
  • Should you apply for a job at VOID, whether through the website, by e-mail or mail, we require you to supply us with your personal information, resume and application letter.


2. How we may share your information

We will not share (or sell) the information you provide us with third parties except as disclosed in this privacy policy or with your consent. We may also give you the opportunity of opting out of other uses that we might make of any of the information you provide to us.


We may share your personal information with our service providers. Some examples of things service providers do that may involve your personal information are:

  • Payment service providers: To manage payments via the site, we use various payment service providers. The payment service provider is responsible for personal data for its own processing of your personal data and have separate terms that apply to them. Information about their terms and handling of personal data is given to you when you choose which payment method you want to use on the site.
  • Authorization of credit card, order fulfillment, sweepstakes and contests, our rewards program, and co-branded or joint product and service promotions.
  • Developing, hosting or maintaining the websites on behalf of VOID.
  • Warehousing product, personalizing product and performing order fulfillment and shipping services on behalf of VOID or on your behalf and at your request.
  • If you choose to join our email newsletter, the email address that you submit to us will be forwarded to our email marketing service provider. The email address that you submit will not be stored within this website’s own database or in any of our internal computer systems. You can request removal from the list by unsubscribing using the unsubscribe links contained in any email newsletters that we send you, or by requesting removal by sending an e-mail to When requesting removal via email, please send your email to us using the email account that is subscribed to the mailing list.
  • Aggregated statistics about the site usage and purchases, to improve the understanding of our customers preferences and for developing new functions. We may then share such aggregated information with prospective marketing partners and advertisers.


3. How does VOID protect your personal information? (Online Security)

These service providers are granted access to some or all of your personal information as necessary and may use cookies (as defined below) or other automatic collection technology on our behalf. The service providers are contractually restricted in the ways they may use your personal information. They have been carefully chosen and all of them comply with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Those service providers who are based in the USA are EU-U.S Privacy Shield compliant.

In the event that a store, division or part or all of VOID (or the assets of a VOID entity) is bought, sold or otherwise transferred, or is in the process of a potential transaction, customer information will likely be shared for evaluation purposes and included among the transferred business assets.

We reserve the right to disclose any information to the extent we reasonably believe that disclosure is required by law, to enforce our website policies, or to protect your or others’ rights, property or safety.

We appreciate the trust you place in us. VOID is committed to protecting your personal information. We’ve implemented reasonable security measures, including Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology and other tools to protect all your information we might collect on our websites. We use a variety of measures to ensure that your personal information (including the information in your resume and application letter) is protected from: unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification or alteration, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. However, the Internet is an open system and VOID cannot guarantee that the personal information you submit will not be intercepted by others.

All our employees who have access to or are involved in the processing of personal information respect the confidentiality of personal information.

We aim to continuously improve our security measures.

Our website may include links to external websites operated by other organizations. They may collect personal information from visitors to their site. VOID cannot guarantee the content or privacy practices of any external websites and does not accept responsibility for those websites.


4. Cookies and Do Not Track

Read more about how we handle cookies in our cookie policy.


5. Online Advertising

VOID may participate in interest-based advertising. As described above, we may automatically collect information regarding how you browse websites, use apps, and shop in order to enhance your customer experience, improve our customer service, and provide you with communications and promotions from us or others. The goal of interest-based advertising is for VOID or its advertising partners to show you ads that are more relevant to your interests.

You have options regarding interest-based advertising. You have the ability to limit the ability of us and our partners to collect and use this information, read more about how to do this in our Cookie Policy. Note that if you choose to opt out, you may continue to see ads on VOID websites and receive communications from us, but they will not be based on how you browse and shop.


6. Your rights - Controlling your information with us

By submitting your personal information, you give your consent to use that information as set out in this privacy policy.

According to the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data:

A right to see the information we hold on you, a right to have any wrong or incomplete information corrected and a right to ask us to stop providing you information on our services. In certain circumstances you have the right to have your personal information deleted. However, this does not apply if we, for example, are obliged by law to preserve or otherwise handle the information, or if the information is needed to be able to fulfill an agreement with you.

For more information, please contact us as explained below.


7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

As we at VOID continuously develop our website and the user experience with us, this privacy policy may be subject to necessary changes. The latest version is always available on our website.


8. Responsible for the data & Contact USWE

USWE Sports AB, Swedish Organisation number: 556566-0601 is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

If you have any questions, feedback or want to know more about how your personal information is used, or if you want to access, correct or remove your personal information, please contact our Customer Service here.

If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received from us or how we handle your information, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority.



The following privacy and cookie policy apply to VOID Sport AB's website



"Cookies" are little pieces of data we send when you visit our store. Cookies help us get to know you better and personalize your experience. Plus they help protect you and other shoppers from fraud.

We may use ‘cookies’ on our website that act as an identification card for your computer. When you visit our website, unique cookies are placed to distinguish your browser from all other browsers that visit our sites. By recognizing your browser, we can serve you better.



A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

In addition, USWE uses Google Analytics to monitor activity on our websites. To learn how Google Analytics collects and processes data, please visit: “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps” here.


Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.



Most browsers give you the choice to accept or reject cookies by modifying your browser preferences. You have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set or to reject all cookies. Please note that if you choose to reject all cookies, certain parts of this site may not be available to you or may not function properly.

Here’s how to manage your cookie preferences in some common browsers:



Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.



The table below lists the cookies we collect and what information they store.

Cookie Name Cookie Description
FORM_KEY Stores randomly generated key used to prevent forged requests.
PHPSESSID Your session ID on the server.
GUEST-VIEW Allows guests to view and edit their orders.
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART A link to information about your cart and viewing history, if you have asked for this.
STF Information on products you have emailed to friends.
STORE The store view or language you have selected.
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE Indicates whether a customer allowed to use cookies.
MAGE-CACHE-SESSID Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE-SECTION-INVALIDATION Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
MAGE-CACHE-TIMEOUT Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
SECTION-DATA-IDS Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
PRIVATE_CONTENT_VERSION Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
X-MAGENTO-VARY Facilitates caching of content on the server to make pages load faster.
MAGE-TRANSLATION-FILE-VERSION Facilitates translation of content to other languages.
MAGE-TRANSLATION-STORAGE Facilitates translation of content to other languages.
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